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Why Suzuki Mehran is famous and affordable in Pakistan.

Suzuki Motors Corporation is a multinational organization which is satisfying its users by economical automobile in the world and especial...

Friday 25 November 2016

I have A TV, LCD or LED. What do you have?

If anyone of us tries to list down the items he has at home he will find television TV, LCD or LED in it. Most of people will have only TV, someone will have both TV and LCD and few of will have all TV, LCD or LED at their home, office or hospital or any other living or working place. Tunnel Vision (TV) was first inventions which were used to see and hear the news, drama, movies, talk shows, ads, songs and many other things before that people were using radio just for listening of all mentioned stuff. In the early age of the TV it introduced in Black and white display later on the advancement process replaced the black and white TV display with Color screen. This change of technology increased the demand of color TV and by continuous process it completely replaces the demand from black and white TV to Color screen TV.

Rapid change of technology introduces LCD (liquid crystal display). These televisions are thinner in shape and lighter in weight than Tunnel Vision. Also they are available in larger display options for commercial and residential purpose use. A difference between CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) and LCD is here below

Tunnel Vision
Liquid Crystal Display
Less expensive
More expensive
Heavy look high weight
Smart look and less weight
Energy non-saver
Energy Efficient
Picture tube technology
Liquid crystal technology
Emits harmful radiation
Does not emit harmful radiation

Today we are aware of LED (light-emitting diode) in the market as the replacement of the LCD technology. These both LCD and LED display products are available in HD (high definition) display option. There are many companies who are manufacturing these LCD and LEDs like Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, LG, Sharp, Vizio, Philips, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, RCA and many other brands. These companies are producing the various size of display screen range from 20 inches up to 65 inches as common whereas 32 inches display screen is recommended for bedroom and 40 inches for living room or a main room.

A difference between LCD and LED is here below

Liquid Crystal Display
Light-Emitting Diode
Less expensive
More expensive
Minimum 1 inch thickness
Less than 1 inch thickens
Energy Efficient but less than LED
Energy Efficient up to 70%
Size from 13 inches to 57 inches
Goes up to 90 inches
Much cheaper
Expensive technology
50,000 - 100, 000 hours life
Around 100,000 hours life

Let’s wait for the new technology. If you want to share your experience of TV, please share with viewers in the comment box.

Ինչպես մաքրել իմ մեքենայով պատուհանները երեք հեշտ քայլով

Այն նկատվում է, սովորաբար, որ մեծ մասը ավտոմեքենաների սեփականատերերի չեն ստանում բավարարել իրենց մեքենաների պատուհաններից մաքուր գործընթացը. Այն ճշմարիտ է, որովհետեւ ավտոմեքենաների պատուհանները պատրաստվում են ապակուց, որովհետեւ պարզից էլ պարզ մեքենայի պատուհաններից մենք պետք է հետեւել մի քանի հրահանգներին:

Պահանջվող իրեր մեքենայի պատուհանից մաքրման
• Fabric Duster
ապակե մաքուր
Հին թերթը

3 (երեք) քայլեր է մաքրել մեքենաների ապակիները
1. Մաքրել բոլոր պատուհանները մեքենայի, այդ թվում առջեւի եւ հետեւի windscreen եւ ձախ եւ աջ մեքենայի դռան եւ պատուհանների եւ կողմնակի հայելիներ հետ փափուկ հյուսվածք Duster նրբորեն.
2. Այժմ լակ ապակե մաքուր հեղուկ մեքենաների պատուհանների, հայելիների վրա: Այն չպետք է sprayed չափազանց շատ է, թե ոչ, շատ ավելի քիչ:
3. Օգտագործել թերթերում լիֆս է մաքրել պատուհանները, մեկ առ մեկ: Դուք պետք է այն քսում մինչեւ disappearances է ապակե մաքուր հեղուկ.
Դուք կտեսնեք, որ փայլը Ձեր պատուհանի ապակի դուք երբեք չեք տեսել առաջ. Այս մաքրման գործը կարող է օգտագործվել ցանկացած ապակի.

Եթե ​​դուք ուզում եք կիսել ձեր մեթոդը ապակե մաքրման, քան Դուք Բարի գալուստ կիսել այն դիտողների մեջ մեկնաբանությամբ վանդակում

كيفية تنظيف نافذتي السيارة في ثلاث خطوات سهلة

ولوحظ عادة أن معظم أصحاب السيارات لا تحصل على تلبية مع نوافذ سيارتهم عملية نظيفة. صحيح أنه يتم إجراء نوافذ السيارات من الزجاج للحصول على كريستال نوافذ السيارات واضحة ونحن بحاجة إلى اتباع بعض الإرشادات.

العناصر المطلوبة لتنظيف نوافذ السيارات
نسيج المنفضة
منظف الزجاج
صحيفة قديم

ثلاث (3) خطوات لتنظيف نوافذ السيارات
1. تنظيف جميع نوافذ السيارة بما في ذلك الأمامية والزجاج الخلفي والنوافذ باب السيارة الأيمن والأيسر والمرايا الجانبية مع خرقة قماش ناعمة بلطف.
2. الآن رش الزجاج النظيف السائل على نوافذ السيارات والمرايا. يجب عدم رش والكثير جدا أو ليسوا أقل جدا.
3. استخدم الورقة الصحف لتنظيف النوافذ واحدا تلو الآخر، تحتاج لفرك حتى اختفاء السائل منظف الزجاج.
سترى تألق من زجاج النافذة الخاصة بك لم يسبق له مثيل من قبل. ويمكن استخدام هذا العمل لتنظيف أي الزجاج.

إذا كنت ترغب في مشاركة طريقتك تنظيف الزجاج من أنتم مدعوون لمشاركتها مع المشاهدين في مربع التعليق

በሶስት ቀላል ደረጃዎች ውስጥ የመኪና መስኮቶችን ለማጽዳት እንዴት ነው?

ይህ መኪና ባለቤቶች አብዛኞቹ የመኪና መስኮቶች ንጹሕ ሂደት ጋር ለማሟላት ማግኘት እንዳልሆነ በተለምዶ ተስተውሏል ነው. የመኪና መስኮቶች መስታወት የተሠሩ ናቸው, ምክንያቱም ይህ እውነት ነው. ክሪስትል ግልጽ የመኪና መስኮቶች እኛ አንዳንድ መመሪያ መከተል ያስፈልገናል.

የመኪና መስኮቶች ጽዳት ያስፈልጋል ንጥሎች
የጨርቃጨርቅ Duster
Glass እጥበት
የድሮ ጋዜጣ

መኪናው መስኮቶችን ለማጽዳት ሶስት (3) እርምጃዎች
1. ለማጽዳት ቀስ ለስላሳ ጨርቅ duster ጋር ፊት እና ወደ ኋላ windscreen እና የግራ እና ቀኝ የመኪና በር መስኮቶች እና የጎን መስተዋቶች ጨምሮ መኪና ሁሉ መስኮቶች.
2. አሁን መኪና መስኮት እና መስታወት ላይ መስታወት ማጽጃ ፈሳሽ እረጨዋለሁ. በጣም ብዙ ወይም በጣም ያነሰ ይረጫል መሆን የለበትም.
3. መስኮቶች አንድ በአንድ ለማጽዳት ወደ ጋዜጦች ቅጠል ይጠቀሙ. አንተ መስታወት ማጽጃ ፈሳሽ ውስጥ መሰወርን ድረስ ማሻሸት ይኖርብናል.
ከዚህ ቀደም አይቼ አላውቅም የእርስዎን የመስኮት መስታወት ላይ ያበራል. ይህ የጽዳት ሥራ ማንኛውም መስተዋት መጠቀም ይቻላል እንመለከታለን.

አንተ አስተያየት ሳጥን ውስጥ ተመልካቾች ጋር ለማጋራት አቀባበል ናቸው ይልቅ መስታወት የማጽዳት የእርስዎን ስልት ማጋራት ከፈለጉ

Si për të pastruar dritaret e mia Car në tre hapa të lehtë

Ajo është vënë re shpesh se shumica e pronarëve të makinave nuk do të marrë të kënaqur me dritaret e tyre e makinave të procesit të pastër. Kjo është e vërtetë, sepse dritaret e makinave janë bërë prej qelqi. Për Crystal dritaret e makinave të qartë që duhet të ndiqni disa udhëzime.

artikuj kërkuar për dritaret e makinave pastrim
• pëlhurë Duster
• Cleaner Glass
• Gazeta Vjetër

Tre (3) Hapat për të pastruar dritaret e makinave
1. Pastroni të gjitha dritaret e makinave, duke përfshirë para dhe prapa xhamin e përparmë dhe dritaret majtë dhe të djathtë dyer makinave dhe pasqyra anësore me të butë përparëse pëlhurë të butë.
2. Tani llak xhami të pastër të lëngshme në dritaret e makinave dhe pasqyra. Ajo nuk duhet të jetë mbulua shumë, ose jo shumë pak.
3. Përdorimi gazetat e Leafs për të pastruar dritaret një nga një. Ju duhet të fshij atë deri në zhdukje të lëngshme të pastër qelqi.
Ju do të shihni të shkëlqejë prej qelqi tuaj dritare ju kurrë nuk kanë parë më parë. Kjo punë pastrimi mund të përdoret për çdo gotë.

Nëse ju doni të ndajnë metodën tuaj të pastrimit xhami se sa ju jeni të mirëpritur për të ndarë atë me shikuesit në Komentin kutinë

Hoe om my motor vensters skoon in drie maklike stappe

Dit is reeds algemeen opgemerk dat die meeste van die motor-eienaars kry nie tevrede met hul motorvensters skoon proses. Dit is waar, omdat die motor vensters is gemaak van glas. Vir Crystal duidelike motor vensters moet ons 'n paar instruksies te volg.

Vereiste items vir die motor vensters skoonmaak
• Stof Duster
• glas skoonmaker
• Ou koerant

Drie (3) Stappe om die motor vensters skoon te maak
1. Maak die alle vensters van die motor insluitende voor- en agterkant voorruit en links en regs motordeur vensters en kantspieëls met sagte weefsel yster liggies.
2. Nou spuit glas skoonmaker vloeistof op die motor vensters en spieëls. Dit moet nie te veel of baie minder gespuit word.
3. Gebruik die koerante blare om die vensters skoon te maak, een vir een. Jy moet dit vryf totdat die verdwynings van die glas skoonmaker vloeistof.
Jy sal sien die glans van jou vensterglas wat jy nog nooit gesien nie. Dit skoonmaak werk kan gebruik word vir enige glas.

As jy wil hê dat jou metode van glas skoonmaak deel as jy is welkom om dit te deel met kykers in die kommentaar blokkie is

How to clean my Car windows in Three Easy Steps

It is been observed commonly that most of the car owners do not get satisfy with their car windows clean process. It is true because car windows are made of glass. For Crystal clear car windows we need to follow some instructions.

Required items for car windows cleaning
·         Fabric Duster
·         Glass Cleaner
·         Old newspaper

Three (3) Steps to clean the car windows
1.       Clean the all windows of car including front and back windscreen and left and right car door windows and side mirrors with soft fabric duster gently.
2.       Now spray glass cleaner liquid on car windows and mirrors. It should not be sprayed too much or not very less.
3.       Use the newspapers leafs to clean the windows one by one. You need to rub it till the disappearances of the glass cleaner liquid.
You will see the shine of your window glass you have never seen before. This cleaning job can be used for any glass.

If you want to share your method of glass cleaning than you are welcome to share it with viewers in the comment box

PVC muur paneelwerk. Goedkoop oplossing vir die muur syfering

Wanneer ons ly aan enige probleem wat ons altyd probeer om die oplossing te vind en hierdie bevinding word 'n geleentheid vir iemand. Van baie jare mense in die gesig staar muur syfering kwessie in die huis, kantoor, hospitaal en ander werk of woon plekke. As 'n geleentheid die navorsing en ontwikkeling span gewerk het en uiteindelik 'n oplossing genoem PVC lambrisering. Polivinielchloried gemaak van sintetiese plastiek polimeer vervaardig.

PVC paneel in Pakistan
Vandag is die meeste van die mense verkies om PVC panele te installeer op hul syfering geraak mure van huise, kantore, hospitale en ander werks- en lewensomstandighede plekke in die groot stede van Pakistan soos Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Multan, Faisalabad, Hyderabad, Quetta en baie ander stede. die PVC muur paneel vel is 10 duim breed in breedte en 9 voet hoog in lengte. PVC blad is beskikbaar in verskeidenheid van ontwerp en kleure soos hout tekstuur, marmer tekstuur, strook ontwerp, 3D ontwerp en ook beskikbaar in verskillende kleure. die installasie proses van die paneel PVC is baie maklik wat gesien kan word op enige sosiale video webwerf. Ek gaan 'n paar belangrike inligting vir jou hier te deel.

Hoe om die muur Meet
Meet die benodigde ruimte met maatband. Meet van tot af en let op die meting as maatstaf van links na regs. Nou sit die metings in voete byvoorbeeld muur is tot af 81 duim en van links na regs is 140 duim dit sal wees beskou word as
7 voet (werklike is 81 duim) x 14 voet (werklike is 140 duim)
As die standaard grootte van die lengte PVC blad is 9 voete sodat ons kan gaan met 7 voete grootte, terwyl die breedte van die PVC vel is 10 duim so,
140/10 = 14
Beteken 14 velle nodig sal wees vir hierdie muur. A PVC strook genoem Gola word benodig vir netjiese voorkoms van PVC blad installasie sal dit gemeet in lopende voete soos
7feet x 7feet en 140 duim x 140 duim, sal dit wees om 54 voete insluitend die vermorsing berekening. Die standaard lengte van die strook of PVC Gola is 9 voete so 6 PVC strook of Gola sal vereis word vir hierdie werk te voltooi.

Installasie stappe
Gewoonlik die handelaars in die mark bied die prys insluitend die vasstelling aanklagte. As iemand koop die PVC lambrisering van groothandel en wil om te installeer deur self as hy of sy in gedagte voordat installasie kan hou die volgende dinge.

Die nodige gereedskap is,
1. Papier Cutter
2. Hammer
3. Meet band
4. Heerser Skaal
5. Leer Pencil

Die nodige hardeware,
1. Nails ½ duim
2. Elfie of super gom

Installasie riglyn
Eerste die PVC strook of Gola sal geïnstalleer word met die naels aan die linkerkant, bo en die onderkant van die installasie plek. Na die installasie van die PVC strook of Gola die presiese grootte van die gebied sal weggeneem word tot in millimeter. na kry die presiese grootte vel sal gemeet word met die maatband en gemerk met potlood van die vereiste grootte. 'n vors sal op die gemerkte gebied geplaas en 'n lyn moet trek en gemerk gebied moet gesny word met papier snyer. die vel sal in die PVC vel van die linkerkant geplaas. na vaststelling van die eerste plaat in PVC strook 3 tot 4 naels sal vasgespyker aan die einde van die PVC vel en 'n ander blad sal na hierdie met sy vasstelling slotte en naels vas te stel. die proses sal so aan totdat die finale vel en aan die einde van die PVC strook of Gola sal geplaas word met verlede PVC paneel vel. Normaalweg die laaste met 'n super gom in plaas van spyker vas Gola sodat dit lyk netjies

Die PVC muur paneel vel is die beste oplossing vir 'n syfering probleem. Jy kan besoek jou naaste PVC paneel handelaar om sy ontwerp en gehalte te sien. As jy wil hê dat jou ervaring oor die produk te deel as jy dit deel met ons kykers in die kommentaar blokkie

PVC Wall Paneling. Cheap solution for wall seepage

Whenever we suffer from any problem we always try to find its solution and this finding become an opportunity for someone. From many years people are facing wall seepage issue in home, office, hospital and other work or living places. As an opportunity the research and development team worked on it and finally produced a solution called PVC Wall Paneling. Polyvinyl chloride made of synthetic plastic polymer.

PVC Panel in Pakistan
Today most of people prefer to install PVC paneling on their seepage affected walls of homes, offices, hospitals and other working and living places in major cities of Pakistan like Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Multan, Faisalabad, Hyderabad, Quetta and many other cities. The PVC wall panel sheet is 10 inches wide in width and 9 feet high in length. PVC sheet is available in Varity of design and colors like wooden texture, marble texture, strip design, 3D design and also available in different colors. The installation process of the PVC panel is very easy which can be seen on any social video website. I am going to share some important information for you here.

How to Measure the Wall
Measure the required area with measuring tape. Measure from up to down and note the measurement than measure from left to right. Now convert the measurements into feet for example wall is up to down 81 inches and from left to right is 140 inches it will be considered as
7 feet (actual is 81 inches) x 14 feet (actual is 140 inches)
As the standard size of the PVC sheet length is 9 feet so we can go with 7 feet size whereas the width of the PVC sheet is 10 inches so,
140/10 = 14
Means 14 sheets will be required for this wall. A PVC strip called gola will be required for neat look of PVC sheet installation it will measured in running feet like
7feet x 7feet and 140 inches x 140 inches, it will be around 54 feet including the wastage calculation. The standard length of strip or PVC gola is 9 feet so 6 PVC strip or gola will be required for this job for completion.

Installation Steps
Normally the resellers in the market are offering the price including the fixing charges. If someone is buying the PVC Wall Paneling from wholesale dealer and wants to install by self than he or she may keep in mind the following things before installation.

The Required tools are,
1.       Paper Cutter
2.       Hammer
3.       Measurement tape
4.       Ruler Scale
5.       Ladder Pencil

The Required Hardware,
1.       Nails ½ inches
2.       Elfie or Super Glue

Installation guide line
First the PVC strip or gola will be installed with the nails on the left, top and the bottom of the installation place. After the installation of the PVC strip or gola the exact size of the area will be taken from up to down in millimeters. After getting the exact size sheet will be measured with the measuring tape and marked with pencil of required size. A ruler will be placed on the marked area and a line needs to be draw and marked area needs to be cut with paper cutter. The sheet will be placed in the PVC sheet from left side. After fixing of first sheet in PVC strip 3 to 4 nails will be nailed at the end of the PVC sheet and another sheet will be fixed after this with its fixing locks and nails. The process will so on till the final sheet and at the end the PVC strip or gola will be placed with last PVC Panel sheet. Normally the last gola fixed with super glue instead of nail so It looks neat

The PVC Wall Panel sheet is the best solution for a seepage problem. You can visit your nearest PVC Panel dealer to see its design and quality. If you want to share your experience about the product than please share it with our viewers in the comment box

Why Suzuki Mehran is famous and affordable in Pakistan.

Suzuki Motors Corporation is a multinational organization which is satisfying its users by economical automobile in the world and especially in Pakistan.
In 1988, Suzuki introduced Four (4) seats, Five (5) doors, 800CC engine capacity petrol car Suzuki Mehran the replacement of Suzuki FX. The vehicle had a very simple interior and exterior with a normal shape due to that the price of it was also very economical. Due that reasons people in Pakistan shown their high interest in buying Suzuki Mehran. As result Suzuki Mehran sold out maximum and reached almost in every city and village of Pakistan. The auto mechanics in city and village of Pakistan experienced to fix Suzuki Mehran as denting Painting, engine tuning, engine overhaul, seat cushioning, covering, glass paper, body sticker and all the related services.
Its 2016 end and I am expecting to see the 2017 Model of Suzuki Mehran Euro 2 VX, VXR with or without CNG in the market. All Pakistani peoples knows that the shape of the Mehran will be the same as 1988 except few changes like lights shape, bumper quality, slight change in interior shape. We will be interested to buy this car.  Is not it a shocking to hear? YES it is but there are reasons behind this mindset that needs to be mentioned here for an understanding. Let us understand it point wise

           Suzuki Mehran Since 1988:

As I mentioned earlier that Suzuki Mehran got introduced in 1988 and today its model is still coming with few minor changes that means that Suzuki Mehran vehicle is in the market for more than 28 years.

2.                   Presence and Production
Suzuki has an automobile plant in Karachi, Pakistan and it has authorized sale dealers in almost all major cites of Pakistan for marketing, sale, after sale services.

3.                   Auto Parts
Suzuki Mehran is an economical car due to its cheap and availability of all parts in the market. You can buy the parts from its authorized dealer and even from automobile spare parts shops. The Suzuki Mehran parts are available in many qualities and the price may vary accordingly.

4.                   Auto Mechanic Service Charges
Suzuki Mehran is car which can be taken to any auto mechanic in the market. This is running car and its repair services charges are almost fix in the market so you can even done the repair and fix job even below the market rate although they already very economical.

5.                   Suzuki Mehran Resale
We hear about some vehicles which were bought on a price and got resale at higher than that. Suzuki Mehran is one of them for its early model resale. Resales of new models are also very positive.

6.                   Fuel Average
Suzuki Mehran engine capacity is 800CC petrol with CNG option. Now the Suzuki has introduced Euro 2 engine which is more fuel efficient. The Mehran gives an average of 14km – 22km /per liter depending on the engine condition and drive route and other factors.

This complete review of Suzuki Mehran can give an idea that this vehicle got this fame not with magic it took Mehran years to get famous in Pakistan. The shared reasons make Mehran most preferable vehicle in Pakistan.
If you want to share your views and experience about this Suzuki Mehran than please share with our viewers in the comment box.